New Brief Start

Hello spring,
Hello new semester,
Hello new fiscal year.

April, spring, (and sakura for Japanese) are symbols of a new beginning.
As for sakura, it’s typical in Japan that the entrance ceremony is held while the flower is in full bloom,
You can imagine a photo of students in new uniforms with sakura trees as a background.

Then again,
If sakura is a symbol of a new beginning,
why the new beginning ends so fast, then?
why on earth, that sakura blooms for such a short time,
only one week.

How can we expect anything from such brief fantasy?
Does this mean that the new beginning won’t go well?

Okay, this is so random.
I’m not against sakura or anything.
It’s beautiful as it is and hanging with friends under the tree is fun and all.

But still, the blooming period is way to short, and it’s kinda sad in some way.

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