Wonder x Kindness

Wonder (2012, Novel) by R.J.Palacio
Wonder (2017, Film)

Just finished reading the novel, and also watching the movie and I was so moved by the story. It was so good, one of my favorite movies of all time. At first I hesitated whether I’d watch the movie or not, because, you know, I’d known how story ended and there would be nothing I would be surprised and all. But it turned out the movie was good too. Maybe the real good story is one that you’re still impressed by no matter how many times you’ve heard.

What I like the most about the story is how it’s told in various points of view. Not only the boy whose face was deformed, August. We could see that his sister, Via, as nice as she was, felt kind of left behind because their parents always took care of his brother more than of her. And I guess many readers came to hate his friend, Jack, who talked behind August’s back in Halloween. But by Jack’s point of view, he only said that to be cool and it was only for 1 or 2 seconds but that could destroy the friendship.

Well, the main theme of the book, the thing that the writer wanted to tell us the most was ‘Kindness’.
“When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind”
“Try to be a little kinder than necessary…we carry not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness”
Being kind is nice and all (nicer than being unkind anyway). But being kind without conditions? I guess it’s too risky to teach kids these days like that. The world out there is not exactly perfect. At least you have to think before being kind, think whether people you’re gonna be kind with deserve the kindness. And what’s more important, you have to be kind to yourself, too. Don’t get into troubles because of the kindness you’ve volunteered.

Anyway, as I mentioned, the book was really a good read and the film was worth watching. I did cry a lot about the bond of the family, the friendship and everything.

P.S. I read the book in a park by the sea 🙂


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